Updated on August 15, 2024
The multidisciplinary Commission on Cancer (CoC) through the Quality Assurance and Data Committee (QADC) convenes clinical experts from around the country to develop and maintain quality measures. These evidence-based measures are based on best practices and are designed to be assessed at the hospital or systems level. Each measure was developed using standardized cancer registry data fields with the expectation that cancer registries would be used to collect the necessary data to assess and monitor concordance with the measures. Extensive assessment and validation of the measures were performed using cancer registry data reported to the National Cancer Database (NCDB). All measures are subject to revision to reflect contemporary clinical practice as well as to conform to the periodic changes to registry data items.
For more information on the quality measures, please log in to the Rapid Cancer Reporting System (RCRS) and navigate to the user library.
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Primary Site |
Measure Abbreviation |
Measure Description |
Year-Released |
Bladder |
For patients with low grade Ta bladder cancer undergoing transurethral resection of bladder tumor, intravesical chemotherapy* is initiated within 24 hours of the procedure, or recommended. *chemotherapy within 24 hours of the transurethral resection assumed to be intravesical however the NCDB does not differentiate this from systemic chemotherapy. |
2024 |
Breast |
BCSdx |
For patients with AJCC Clinical Stage I-III breast cancer, the first therapeutic surgery in a non-neoadjuvant setting is performed within and including 60 days of diagnosis. |
2022 |
Breast |
For patients undergoing breast-conserving surgery without adjuvant chemo or immunotherapy for stage I-III breast cancer, radiation therapy, when administered, is initiated <= 60 days of definitive surgery. |
2006 |
Breast |
BneoCT |
For patients <=75 years old with HER2+ or triple negative breast cancer with any clinical N > 0 or clinical T > 1, neoadjuvant chemotherapy and/or immunotherapy is initiated within 60 days of diagnosis, or recommended. |
2024 |
Cervix |
For patients with any stage cervical cancer treated with primary radiation with curative intent, brachytherapy is used. |
2024 |
Colon |
For patients under the age of 80 with surgically-managed pathologic stage III colon cancer (N>0), adjuvant chemotherapy is initiated within 4 months (120 days) of diagnosis, or recommended. |
2006 |
Colon |
C12RLN |
For patients undergoing a colon resection for colon cancer, at least 12 regional lymph nodes are removed and pathologically examined at time of resection. |
2005 |
Gastric |
G16RLN |
For surgically managed gastric adenocarcinoma cancer patients, at least 16 regional lymph nodes are removed and pathologically examined during resection for curative intent therapy. |
2023 |
Gastric |
For surgically managed patients age 18-79 with gastroesophageal junction or esophageal cancer cT2 with poor differentiation, or cT>=3, or N>=1, or gastric cancer cT>=2 or N>0, neoadjuvant chemotherapy and/or chemo-radiation is initiated within 120 days preoperatively. |
2022 |
HeadNeck |
HadjRT |
For patients with surgically managed head and neck squamous cell cancer who received adjuvant radiation treatment, the radiation is initiated within 6 weeks of surgery. |
2022 |
Kidney |
For patients with surgically managed, cT1a kidney tumors, partial nephrectomy is performed. |
2024 |
Lung |
For patients with surgically managed NSCLC, pathologically staged T2 and >4cm, or T>=3, or N>0, systemic therapy (chemotherapy, immunotherapy or targeted therapy) was initiated within the 3 months prior to surgery or after surgery, or was recommended. |
2014 |
Melanoma |
MadjRx |
For surgically managed pathologic stage IIIB-D melanoma patients, adjuvant systemic therapy was initiated within 6 months of surgery or recommended. |
2022 |
Prostate |
For patients with low-risk prostate cancer (Gleason <= 6 and PSA < 10 and <= cT2), active surveillance is performed. |
2024 |
Rectum |
For patients undergoing surgical resection for rectal cancer, the Circumferential Margin is greater than 1 mm from the tumor to the inked, non-serosalized resection margin. |
2022 |
Rectum |
RneoRT |
For patients with surgically treated clinical T4NanyM0 or TanyN2M0 rectal cancer, neoadjuvant radiation therapy is initiated within 9 months prior to resection or recommended. |
2024 |
The CoC under the guidance of the QADC annually reviews, and periodically recommends, clinical changes to the portfolio of quality measures reported in the RCRS. The QADC updates the portfolio to ensure all measures are contemporary with current best practices and that maximized measures are retired to make way for new measures.
As of August 15, 2024, six new quality measures were added, which includes four new primary sites.
Starting with CoC Site Visits in 2026, Standard 7.1: Quality Measures will be reinstated as an accreditation requirement. During 2025, programs must review their performance on the selected quality metrics, identify any deficiencies, and document their review and any appropriate actions in the cancer committee minutes.
The required quality measures that must be reviewed during 2025 are:
Programs can achieve compliance with standard 7.1 though one of two pathways:
The performance threshold for each quality measure will be available once the dashboard and Quality Measure Operational Reports are updated in mid-2025. Further details on RCRS quality measure reports will be announced in spring of 2025.
Questions about the requirements of Standard 7.1 may be submitted to the Standard 7.1 section of the CAnswer Forum. Questions about any quality measure should be submitted to the Quality Measures section of the CAnswer Forum.