May 2, 2016
The American College of Surgeons (ACS) Patient Education Committee has revised the ACS “Statement on principles of patient education”—originally published in the August 2006 issue of the Bulletin—to increase the emphasis on patient education and engagement in the delivery of safe surgical care. The ACS Board of Regents reviewed and approved the revision at its February 2016 meeting.
Because the patient is an integral member of the surgical team, patient education is essential to the delivery of high-value, safe surgical care. Patient education and the activation of their support systems can improve treatment compliance, decrease complications, and enhance patient-reported outcomes and experience. Patients should possess the requisite knowledge and skills to contribute effectively to their care. The American Board of Medical Specialties and the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education have emphasized the critically important role of patients within the health care team.
The ACS supports the recommendations of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine’s Health and Medicine Division (formerly known as the Institute of Medicine) underscoring patient rights and responsibilities to fully participate in their care.
The ACS supports the following actions: