The ACS and the Association for Surgical Education (ASE) have developed a new resource for medical school faculty entitled the ACS/ASE Medical Student Simulation-Based Surgical Skills Curriculum. This joint program, developed under the aegis of the ACS Division of Education, provides materials that use simulation and simulators to help medical students do the following:
The simulation-based modules can be used to teach clinical skills ranging from taking a history and physical and signing out a patient to inserting a central venous line with ultrasound guidance. The topics are aligned based on the year during which they are most commonly taught.
Learn more about this curriculum, its design, and proposed use by viewing a previously recorded webinar.
The modules are self-contained and can be used either as freestanding learning activities or in a stepwise fashion as part of the entire curriculum. Modules can be implemented in a proctored small or large group setting, or individually. Features of the modules include the following:
The ACS Division of Education produces a diverse assortment of articles and publications that have educational value for all medical students who may be interested in a career in surgery. We encourage you to review the relevant articles below.
ACS/ASE Medical Student Simulation-Based Surgical Skills Curriculum Article (ACS Bulletin 2015)
For any assistance, comments, or questions contact:
Krashina Hudson, MS
Senior Administrator, Resident and Medical Student Curricula
Division of Education, American College of Surgeons