Kansas Chapter of the American College of Surgeons (Kansas-ACS) is a not-for-profit association of physicians who specialize in one or more areas of surgical expertise. In order to become a member of Kansas-ACS, the physician must first meet the stringent requirements for membership in the American College of Surgeons. Upon achieving the advanced training necessary and demonstrating competent surgical skills, the physician may become a Fellow in the American College of Surgeons and thereby use the acronym "FACS" following his or her name and medical degree.
Membership in the American College of Surgeons does not include automatic enrollment in the local chapter. Please contact the individual listed below to learn more about how to join your chapter today!
Executive Director
President Elect
Past President
RAS (Resident) Chapter Representative
RAS (Resident) Chapter Representative
RAS Chapter Representative
RAS Chapter Representative
YFA Chapter Representative
Advocacy Chair