Chapters benefit greatly from having an active web presence as this allows members and non-members to access information about the chapter at their convenience which may contribute to increased engagement with the chapter.
There are a number of key elements to consider including in the chapter website:
- Table of Contents: a main menu on the homepage that links to secondary pages and helps guide website navigation.
- All web pages should maintain consistency of fonts, colors and formats.
- The website should allow easy navigation. A good rule of thumb is that it should not take more than three clicks to get from the homepage to the destination page.
- Webpages should be concise and not require excessive scrolling to reach content.
- A “contact us” page that provides full details on how to contact the chapter via email, phone and mail.
Website Content
To assist with formulating your chapter’s website content you may look to the websites of other chapters and the ACS website. These sites may vary in the amount, complexity and type of information presented but they can provide valuable examples. At a minimum, chapters should include the following on their websites:
- Names and contact information for chapter officers, councilors, committee chairs/representatives and chapter administrators.
- Information on chapter membership with access to the application(s).
- Details of upcoming chapter meetings including dates and locations. The website should also include details of how to register for events.
- Reports or minutes from recent council or committee meetings.
- The chapter newsletter.
- Reports on other activities or programs that are of interest to the chapter membership, such as: grand rounds conducted at area hospitals or special activities of other health-related organizations, such as the local cancer society.
- Local advocacy information including any local legislation that may impact members.
Chapters should implement a regular schedule for updating website content both for current events and for refreshing ongoing information.
Website Promotion
The chapter should take advantage of any opportunities to promote the chapter website to its members through activities like:
- Including the chapter website on stationery, business cards, fax cover sheets, program brochures, chapter dues notices and any promotional materials.
- Sharing website information as a key component of any chapter updates shared at the annual meeting and council meetings.
Chapter Communities
Another way to engage chapter members is through the online communities hosted on the ACS website. Please view the ACS Communities webinar for more information about how this tool can be used to engage chapter members.
Social Media
Many ACS chapters now participate in social media platforms such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram. All of these platforms provide an excellent opportunity to promote the chapter and should be considered as part of strategies for recruitment/retention, event promotion and member recognition.
Chapter Success Stories
At the annual Leadership and Advocacy Summit a “Chapter Success Stories” session is held.