Ensuring Young Fellows Association (YFA) Representatives are on Chapter Councils is a priority initiative of the Board of Governors and the American College of Surgeons (ACS). The YFA serves as an inclusive organization representing all Fellows of the American College of Surgeons (FACS) who are 45 years old and younger and provides opportunities to be involved with College activities. All members of the College who are active in surgical practice are automatically members of the YFA upon receiving the designation of FACS.
Why should a Chapter have a YFA Representative on the Chapter Council?
- To ensure young surgeon representation in chapter activities and committees
- To encourage new membership within the chapter, to retain existing members, and to ensure a pipeline of new leadership in the years ahead
- To encourage the distribution of information among young Fellows
- To encourage an esprit de corps among young Fellows
- To serve as a resource for residents and medical students who seek a career in surgery
What are some of the roles and responsibilities of the YFA Chapter Representative?
- Attend chapter council meetings and present reports about the YFA activities available to chapter members
- Organize a least one event annually for YFA members in the chapter. Consider pairing an event with Resident and Associate Society (RAS) or Association of Women Surgeons (AWS), or hosting or sponsoring an event at the chapter meeting (jeopardy, mock oral exams, networking breakfast, etc.)
- Attend your chapter meeting and promote YFA networking at the session
- Be available to answer questions from members about YFA and act as a point of contact for YFA members in your chapter to reach out with questions about the ACS
- Be a resource for individuals applying to become FACS
- Participate in succession planning for the next YFA Chapter Representative
- Serve as a resource and encourage young Fellows in your chapter to apply for YFA roles and participate in national YFA pillar workgroups
- Submit an Activities Report to the YFA Governing Council
- If possible, attend the YFA annual meeting at Clinical Congress, the Leadership & Advocacy Summit, and promote YFA activities on social media
One suggestion for implementation of the above is to form a “YFA council” or “YFA committee” within the chapter. Ideally, this would be a group of individuals interested in advancing the issues of the YFA at the local level listed above.
How does the Chapter identify a YFA Representative?
Ideally, if your chapter has a group of YFA individuals who have been working on YFA activities, the YFA Representative could be identified from this group. If your chapter does not have an active YFA Committee, consider identifying a motivated young surgeon who understands and is willing to commit to the above listed responsibilities. Choose an individual who is looking to get more involved in ACS or who would like to be introduced to association work or leadership roles.
The YFA Representatives will have variable skills in leadership. Some may never have held the role of leading a group or being a liaison, so mentorship from the chapter council is essential. The YFA Representative should work closely with the chapter council so that the relationship is mutually beneficial.
Questions about YFA Chapter Representatives can be directed to acschapters@facs.org.