June 13, 2023
This Thursday, June 15, is the deadline to submit applications for two traveling fellowships celebrating ACS Past-Presidents: the Claude H. Organ Jr., MD, FACS, Traveling Fellowship, and the Gerald B. Healy, MD, FACS, Traveling Mentorship Fellowship.
Claude H. Organ Jr., MD, FACS, Traveling Fellowship
The Organ Traveling Fellowship is awarded to an ACS Fellow or Associate Fellow so they can attend an educational meeting or make an extended visit to an institution of his or her choice, tailored to his or her research interests. Applicants must be a member of the Society of Black Academic Surgeons, Association of Women Surgeons, or Surgical Section of the National Medical Association.
The successful applicant will receive $5,000to help defray travel and per diem expenses, plus the cost of any courses the awardee may take in association with the award.
Gerald B. Healy, MD, FACS, Traveling Mentorship Fellowship
The Gerald B. Healy, MD, FACS, Traveling Mentorship Fellowship will be used to facilitate visiting and engaging with one or more successful mentors. The award, in the amount of $5,000, will be used by the traveling fellow to cover travel and per diem costs incurred and subsidize lost revenue from days away from clinical duties.
Applicants must be US or Canadian Fellows or Associate Fellows. In addition, mentors must be US/Canadian Fellows of the College or, if in a non-surgical field (for example, microbiology, anatomy) or non-medical field (for example, business, law), must be appropriate for the research and education needs of the applicant.