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ACS Brief

SRGS Nutrition and Metabolic Disease Issue Is Available

June 25, 2024


Selected Readings in General Surgery (SRGS) Nutrition and Metabolic Disease has been published and is now available to view. This issue examines the important role nutrition plays in management of surgical patients. Curated by associate editors Melissa Coleman, MD, and Joseph Rappold, MD, FACS, SRGS Nutrition provides valuable content, including the following topics:

  • Expert guidance on nutritional assessment tools
  • Nutritional support strategies for critically ill patients, elective surgery patients, and patients with comorbid conditions.
  • Evidence-based techniques for choosing parenteral versus enteral nutrition
  • Thoughtful solutions for providing nutrition to older and palliative care patients

We are excited to announce that SRGS issues, beginning with SRGS Nutrition, will include a list of “key takeaways” that summarizes core principles and lessons from each section of the overview.

Note: A subscription is required to access SRGS. Learn more about individual, institutional, resident, and other subscription options.

Listen to SRGS Analysis On-the-Go with Podcast

Host Rick Greene, MD, FACS, and his guests, Melissa Coleman, MD, and Jospeh Rappold, MD, FACS, held an in-depth discussion on best practices related to the nutritional assessment and support of surgical patients in the latest episode of the Surgical Readings from SRGS podcast.

Surgical Readings from SRGS is freely available for all interested listeners – no SRGS subscription is required. You can also access the podcast from Apple PodcastsSpotifyPodbeaniHeartRadio, or wherever you listen to your podcasts.