June 6, 2023
The call for abstracts is open for the ACS Trauma Quality Improvement Program Annual Conference, December 1–3 in Louisville, Kentucky. The deadline to submit an abstract is Friday, June 30.
All abstracts received will be reviewed and considered for poster presentation during the conference. Some abstracts may be selected for development as case studies or oral presentations during the conference. All abstracts chosen for poster or oral presentation are expected to be presented in person in Louisville.
This is your chance to share with other TQIP centers all the interesting initiatives and internal performance improvement efforts you have put in place at your hospital.
Registry staff are strongly encouraged to present any data quality initiatives you have put in place that have made a difference in your centers. Submissions on any QI topic are welcome, but the College is specifically calling for abstracts on the following topics:
Road to Recovery is the theme of the 2023 TQIP Annual Conference, which will weave stories, best practices, and performance improvement efforts related to trauma survivorship in both the short and long term throughout our educational program.