April 1, 2018
Academy of Master Surgeon Educators
The American College of Surgeons (ACS) Academy of Master Surgeon Educators, a new College enterprise that will advance the science and implementation of education across all surgical specialties, is now accepting applications for Membership and Associate Membership. Applications are due May 14, 2018.
You could be considered for membership in the Academy through two avenues:
In October 2014, the American College of Surgeons (ACS) Board of Regents approved a proposal from the ACS Division of Education to establish the ACS Academy of Master Surgeon Educators. A Steering Committee was appointed to create a model for the Academy, which articulated the desired outcomes, defined standards and criteria for membership, and developed the process for application. The ACS Steering Committee for the Academy of Master Surgeon Educators is co-chaired by ACS Past-President L.D. Britt, MD, MPH, DSc(Hon), FACS, FCCM, FRCSEng(Hon), FRCSEd(Hon), FWACS(Hon), FRCSI(Hon), FCS(SA)(Hon), FRCSGlasg(Hon), and Ajit K. Sachdeva, MD, FACS, FRCSC, Director, ACS Division of Education. Other members include Sir Murray Brennan, MD, FACS, ACS Distinguished Service Award recipient; Haile Debas, MD, FACS, founding executive director, Global Health Sciences, University of California, San Francisco; David B. Hoyt, MD, FACS, ACS Executive Director; L. Scott Levin, MD, FACS, ACS Regent; Leigh Neumayer, MD, FACS, Chair, ACS Board of Regents; and Carlos Pellegrini, MD, FACS, FRCSI(Hon), FRCS(Hon), FRCSEd(Hon), ACS Past-President.
The Academy formally launched at the ACS Clinical Congress 2017 in San Diego, CA, and was received enthusiastically.
The goals of this unique Academy are to define megatrends in surgical education, steer advances in this field, and underscore the critical importance of surgical education in the changing milieu of health care. The Academy will meet these goals by recognizing and assembling a cadre of master surgeon educators of national and international renown who will support cutting-edge surgical education and provide mentorship to the next generation of surgeon educators.
Members of the Academy will be selected through a rigorous peer-review process, and induction will be a high honor in the field of surgical education. Members of the Academy will be expected to engage in activities to address the aforementioned goals. Membership in the Academy will be open to Master Surgeon Educators from across the surgical specialties.
Three categories of membership will be available: Member, Associate Member, and Affiliate Member. Applications for Membership and Associate Membership in the Academy are now being accepted. You are invited to apply or nominate a colleague for membership via the ACS website.
The ACS is truly excited about this seminal endeavor, which will impact the profession of surgery for generations to come.