December 4, 2024
The ACS 2025 Nominating Committee of the Fellows (NCF) and Nominating Committee of the Board of Governors (NCBG) will accept nominations through February 14, 2025, for leadership positions in the College.
The 2025 NCF will select nominees for three Officer-Elect positions of the ACS:
The NCF will use the following guidelines when considering potential candidates:
All nominations must include:
In addition, nominations for President-Elect must include a personal statement from the candidate detailing their ACS service, interest in the position, and vision for the College’s future.
Entities such as surgical specialty societies, ACS Advisory Councils, ACS committees, and ACS chapters that wish to provide a letter of nomination must provide a description of their selection process and the total list of applicants reviewed.
Any attempt to contact or influence members of the NCF by a candidate or on behalf of a candidate will be viewed in a negative manner and may possibly result in disqualification. Applications submitted without the requested information will not be considered.
Learn more about the roles, duties, and time commitment involved for these Officer positions at
The 2025 NCBG will select nominees for three vacancies on the Board of Regents to be filled at Clinical Congress 2025.
For information only, the current members of the Board of Regents who will be considered for reelection to their second or third terms are (all MD, FACS) Diana L. Farmer, Sarwat Salim, and Steven C. Stain.
The following guidelines are used by the NCBG when reviewing candidates for potential nomination to the Board of Regents.
The NCBG recognizes the importance of the Board of Regents representing all who practice surgery in both academic and community practice, regardless of practice location or configuration. Consideration will be given in this nomination cycle to the following disciplines:
Nominations not meeting these criteria will be accepted for review by the NCBG in the event of an unexpected vacancy.
All nominations must include:
Entities such as surgical specialty societies, ACS Advisory Councils, ACS committees, and ACS chapters that wish to provide a letter of nomination must provide at least two nominees, and a description of their selection process, along with the total list of applicants reviewed.
Any attempt to contact or influence members of the NCBG by a candidate or on behalf of a candidate will be viewed in a negative manner and may possibly result in disqualification. Applications submitted without the requested information will not be considered.
Learn more about the roles, duties, and time commitment involved for Regent positions at
The deadline for submitting nominations is Friday, February 14, 2025. Nominations must be submitted to For more information, contact Emily Kalata at 312-202-5360 or