August 3, 2023
Planning your education schedule at ACS Clinical Congress 2023 in Boston, MA? Don’t miss this important cancer-related content on Tuesday, October 24.
9:45–11:15 am: PS214. Genetics and Genomics in Cancer Surgery for the General Surgeon
This session aims to help translate genetic and genomic profiling in cancer surgery into useful information for the practicing general surgeon.
11:30 am–12:30 pm: ME209. Implementing the Commission on Cancer (CoC) Cancer Standards 5.3‐5.6: Successes and Challenges – Meet the Experts
During this session, attendees will hear from those who have gone through the process of implementation, including the successes and the challenges they faced along the way.
12:45–2:15 pm: PS221. Breaking Barriers: Improving Access to Cancer Care Through Regionalization
Regionalization of care is a modern reality. How and why cancer care should, can, or should not be regionalized is a complicated discussion that touches health equity, access and outcomes.
2:30 – 4:00 pm: P227. Pediatric Endocrine Cancer Surgery: Unique Management and Challenges
Children with endocrine tumors represent an unusual and difficult group of patients to manage. This session proposes to bring together pediatric surgeons, ENT surgeons, general surgeons, endocrine surgeons, and surgical oncologists to discuss the intersection of pediatric/endocrine/cancer.
4:15 – 5:45 pm: PS233. The Ever‐evolving Field of Soft Tissue Tumor and Sarcoma Management: An Update from the Surgeon's Perspective
This Didactic session will cover areas of recent advances in the multimodal management of soft tissue tumor and sarcoma management.
Visit the Clinical Congress 2023 website for more information and to register.