The CoC and NCDB are pleased to announce upcoming changes to NCDB quality measures and 2023 compliance requirements for CoC Standard 7.1: Quality Measures.
The CoC under the guidance of the Quality Assurance and Data Committee (QADC) annually reviews, and periodically recommends, clinical changes to the portfolio of quality measures reported in the Rapid Cancer Reporting System (RCRS). The QADC updates the portfolio to ensure all measures are contemporary with current best practices and that maximized measures are retired to make way for new measures.
We are pleased to report that accredited programs have been able to achieve high compliance with four of the measures. Accordingly, the QADC has decided to retire the following measures beginning in January 2023:
All historical data will be removed from RCRS. However, historical compliance for the measures is available in your facility’s Cancer Quality Improvement (CQIP) report.
Just as select measures with high compliance and changes in practice have led to retirement for some measures, the following measures are scheduled to undergo clinical updates in 2023. Specifics related to these updates will be provided at a later date.
Please note: The colon 12 lymph node (12RLN) measure will remain unchanged and will continue to be viewable within RCRS.
Impact on CoC Standard 7.1: Quality Measures
Due to the above transitions planned for 2023 and to allow programs time to adjust to these changes, 2023 program activity for Standard 7.1 will not be rated at future site visits. Additionally, 2023 site visits (which evaluate activity from 2020, 2021, and 2022) will not provide a compliant or non-compliant rating for Standard 7.1. However, site reviewers may discuss previous quality measure compliance and action plans with programs during 2023 site visits.
During calendar year 2023, although programs are not being rated on this activity, they are still expected to review the new and updated measures as they are released and discuss the measures with their cancer committees.
At this time, it is anticipated that 2024 activity for Standard 7.1 compliance will be rated at future site visits. It is strongly recommended that programs keep an eye on the Cancer Program News for updates. More information on 2024 requirements will be provided in late 2023.
Questions on quality measure updates may be submitted to Questions on Standard 7.1 may be submitted to the CAnswer Forum.