The Program for Accreditation of Education Institutes (AEIs) is pleased to present the third version of our standards, Standards for Accredited Education Institutes. The goals of the 2021 standards revisions were to reduce redundancy and clarify intent, and accomplishing those goals resulted in a reorganization of the current standards.
AEIs are expected to begin implementing Standards for Accredited Education Institutes (2021 Standards) in November 2021; however, AEIs will not complete an application reflecting the revised standards until they are up for renewal.
In the meantime, to help AEIs become familiar with the reorganization of the standards as well as the requirements to demonstrate compliance, all programs will complete a new annual compliance report reflecting the revised standards.
Visit the ACS website or the AEI Portal to access resources, including the new standards manual, a comparison of the 2012 standards with the 2021 standards, and educational videos.