Academic medical center
USD Sanford School of Medicine
Department of Surgery
1400 W 22nd St.
Sioux Falls, SD 57105
United States
Dr. Weigelt has recently retired from the Medical College of Wisconsin where he was the is the Milt & Lidy Lunda/Charles Aprahamian Professor of Trauma Surgery; professor and chief, division of trauma and critical care. Dr. Weigelt has been recognized as a premier surgical educator, twice earning the Wangensteen Award for Excellence in Teaching (1993, 1999) while at the University of Minnesota, as well as the Association for Surgical Education Outstanding Teacher Award (2002). Since joining MCW, he has twice received the Teacher of the Year Award (2004, 2010). In 2013, Dr. Weigelt was elected to the Giants in Surgery by the Southwestern Medical Center and Parkland Hospital, both in Dallas. In 2015, he receieved the Distinguished Service Award (DSA) of the American College of Surgeons The DSA is the highest honor bestowed by the ACS. Dr. Weigelt was honored for his contributions to the American College of Surgeons (ACS), and the fields of trauma care, and surgical education. Dr. Weigelt is editor-in-chief emeritus of the Journal of Surgical Education; and the audio Practical Reviews in General Surgery. He was editor of the Journal of Surgical Outcomes (2002-2007), as well as associate editor with Selected Readings in General Surgery (SRGS) while it was published at Southwestern Medical Center (1989-1996). He has published more than 160 medical journal articles, written more than 50 book chapters, nad been a contributing or associate editor of more than 60 entries in SRGS. He has recently joined the Department of surgery at USD Sanford School of Medicine.
St Paul, MN
Retired Staff
Milwaukee, WI
Trauma/Acute Care Surgeon
Dallas, TX
Minneapolis, MN
Milwaukee, WI