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ACS Fellow Since 2003

Selwyn Rogers Jr., MD FACS

Board Certification

  • American Board of Surgery - Surgical Critical Care
  • American Board of Surgery - General Surgery

Society Memberships

  • Assn for Acad Surg
  • Am Medical Association

Additional Information



General Surgery

The University of Chicago

Medicine & Biological Sciences

5841 S. Maryland Ave. MC5030

Chicago, IL 60637

United States

Contact Information

Administrative Assistant
Name:Stacy Usie


A�er an extensive na�onal search, Selwyn Rogers, Jr., MD, MPH, FACS, was named the sec�on chief of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery at the University of Chicago Medicine in January 2017. He now serves as the Dr. James E. Bowman, Jr. Professor in the Biological Sciences at The University of Chicago Medicine. Dr. Rogers is an acclaimed trauma and cri�cal care surgeon and public health expert who has served in leadership capaci�es at health centers across the country, including most recently as vice president and chief medical officer for the University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston. Dr. Rogers has also served as the chair of surgery at Temple University School of Medicine and as the division chief of Trauma, Burn and Surgical Cri�cal Care at Harvard Medical School. While at Brigham and Women's Hospital (BWH), he helped launch the Center for Surgery and Public Health to understand the nature, quality, and u�liza�on of surgical care na�onally and interna�onally. Dr. Rogers is a prolific researcher, and his work seeks to improve quality and access to care for all pa�ents. Among other topics, his published research has looked at the impact of race and ethnicity on surgical outcomes. He is commited to improving the understanding of dispari�es in surgical care to close the quality chasm for underserved popula�ons and provide the most pa�ent-centered care possible. Beyond trauma and surgical cri�cal care, Dr. Rogers has been an advocate for trea�ng inten�onal violence as a public health problem. In partnership with the Center for Community Health and Health Equity at BWH, he developed a violence interven�on and preven�on program that worked to address the social factors that put pa�ents at increased risk for trauma and mortality such as poverty, hopelessness, and lack of opportunity. The program partners with organiza�ons in Boston to educate youth about community violence and connects vic�ms with the resources they need to heal. Here at The University of Chicago Medicine, he helped to launch the Violence Recovery Program in conjunc�on with the Urban Health Ini�a�ve. Dr. Rogers earned his undergraduate degree at Harvard College magna cum laude and his medical degree from Harvard Medical School. He completed both his surgery residency and an NIH research fellowship in surgical oncology at BWH in Boston. He completed a surgical critical care fellowship at Massachusetts General Hospital and BWH. Additionally, Dr. Rogers has a master's degree in public health from Vanderbilt University.

Subspecialties and Areas of Clinical Concentration

Critical Care

Hospital Appointments

Brigham and Women's Hosp.


Academic Appointments


Assistant Professor