No. AJCC Staging Online subscriptions are for individuals and are not to be shared per the Terms of Use.
Yes. AJCC Staging Online includes all the most up-to-date staging system content, including all Version 9 content that has been released. Additional Version 9 content will be added each year as they become available.
No. AJCC Staging Online includes all the content for cases diagnosed in 2024, not prior years. However, going forward, new Version 9 protocols will be added and all of the current 2024 content will remain available.
The annual subscription is based on the day/month it was started. It will need to be renewed the following year at that same time.
Visit the ACS Store to purchase your subscription.
To purchase, you will need to log in. If you are not an ACS members and do not have an account from a previous purchase or event enrollment, set up an account with ACS during checkout to purchase a subscription.
Yes, please enter your request on our Help Page by choosing topic Subscription Issues.
No. Kindle and print-on-demand will still be available. This is an additional service that we are offering.
Customers should visit our Help page and fill out the form to receive instructions.
Yes, if there are changes to the content, it will automatically be reflected on AJCC Staging Online.
Download our Terms and Conditions.
There is a new drop-down menu for diagnosis year which defaults to the most recent version, 2025. If you are staging a cancer case diagnosed in 2024, use the drop-down menu to select 2024. There is no reason for you to worry about the latest version of content as long as you select the correct year for abstracting.