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Cancer Programs

CoC Standards Implementation Timelines

With a few exceptions, programs were expected to implement Optimal Resources for Cancer Care (2020 Standards) beginning January 1, 2020. Optimal Resources for Cancer Care (2020 Standards) was updated in December 2024. A change log is available that details updates to the manual since its original publication.

Standard 2.2: Cancer Liaison Physician

Starting January 1, 2025, the Cancer Liaison Physician’s reports presented to the cancer committee cannot also satisfy the requirements for Standard 6.4: Rapid Cancer Reporting System: Data Submission.

Standard 4.2: Oncology Nursing Credentials

Programs were expected to comply with Standard 4.2 beginning January 1, 2021.

Resources to support implementation and compliance:

If a program due for a site visit in 2023, 2024, or 2025 determines it is not currently capable of meeting compliance with Standard 4.2, the program is allowed to develop and implement an action plan to help achieve compliance.

The corrective action plan must outline the specific issue(s) affecting compliance and the interventions that will be implemented to achieve compliance. The specifics of the action plan must be documented in the cancer committee minutes. Successful documentation of a substantive action plan may result in a “deficient but resolved” rating during the 2023, 2024, or 2025 site visit.

Standard 4.8: Survivorship Program

Programs were expected to comply with Standard 4.8 beginning January 1, 2021.

Starting January 1, 2025, survivorship services must address the needs of cancer survivors who have completed their first course of treatment. Services evaluated to meet this standard cannot be single events, and must be available to patients throughout the calendar year or at specific intervals during the calendar year.

The survivorship program coordinator’s report must focus only on those patients who have completed their first course of treatment. Additionally, the same report (or a substantially similar report) cannot be used to meet the requirements of more than one standard. For example, a report satisfying the required review of Standard 4.7: Oncology Nutrition Services cannot also be used to meet the requirements of Standard 4.8.

Standards 5.3-5.8: Operative Standards

The following implementation timeline is being utilized for Standard 5.3: Sentinel Node Biopsy for Breast Cancer; Standard 5.4: Axillary Lymph Node Dissection for Breast Cancer; Standard 5.5: Wide Local Excision for Primary Cutaneous Melanoma; Standard 5.6: Colon Resection; Standard 5.7: Total Mesorectal Excision; and Standard 5.8: Pulmonary Resection.


Standards 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, and 5.6

Standards 5.7 and 5.8


Programs begin developing plans for how they will meet the requirements of Standards 5.3–5.6.

Standards 5.7 and 5.8 take effect starting January 1. Programs must achieve at least 70 percent compliance in 2021.


Programs document their final plans and work on getting up to compliance.

Programs must achieve at least 80 percent compliance in 2022. Site visits assess pathology reports from 2021 for 70 percent compliance.


Standards 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, and 5.6 take effect starting January 1. Programs must achieve at least 70 percent compliance in 2023.

Programs must achieve at least 80 percent compliance in 2023. Site visits assess pathology reports from 2021-2022 for 80 percent compliance.


Programs must achieve at least 80 percent compliance in 2024. Site visits assess operative reports from 2023 for 70 percent compliance.

Programs must achieve at least 80 percent compliance in 2024. Site visits assess pathology reports from 2021-2023 for 80 percent compliance.

2025 and beyond

Programs must achieve at least 80 percent compliance in 2025 and in future years. Site visits assess operative reports from the prior 2-3 years for 80 percent compliance (e.g. 2023-2024 for site visits in 2025 or 2023-2025 for site visits in 2026).

Programs must achieve at least 80 percent compliance in 2025 and in future years. Site visits assess pathology reports from the prior three years for 80 percent compliance (e.g. 2022-2024 for site visits in 2025).


Standards 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, and 5.6

Standards 5.7 and 5.8


Programs begin developing plans for how they will meet the requirements of Standards 5.3–5.6.

Standards 5.7 and 5.8 take effect starting January 1. Programs must achieve at least 70 percent compliance in 2021.


Programs document their final plans and work on getting up to compliance.

Programs must achieve at least 80 percent compliance in 2022. Site visits assess pathology reports from 2021 for 70 percent compliance.


Standards 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, and 5.6 take effect starting January 1. Programs must achieve at least 70 percent compliance in 2023.

Programs must achieve at least 80 percent compliance in 2023. Site visits assess pathology reports from 2021-2022 for 80 percent compliance.


Programs must achieve at least 80 percent compliance in 2024. Site visits assess operative reports from 2023 for 70 percent compliance.

Programs must achieve at least 80 percent compliance in 2024. Site visits assess pathology reports from 2021-2023 for 80 percent compliance.

2025 and beyond

Programs must achieve at least 80 percent compliance in 2025 and in future years. Site visits assess operative reports from the prior 2-3 years for 80 percent compliance (e.g. 2023-2024 for site visits in 2025 or 2023-2025 for site visits in 2026).

Programs must achieve at least 80 percent compliance in 2025 and in future years. Site visits assess pathology reports from the prior three years for 80 percent compliance (e.g. 2022-2024 for site visits in 2025).

Standards 5.3-5.8 were republished with substantive updates in 2021 and 2023. Please review the most recent version of Optimal Resources for Cancer Care (2020 Standards) for updates. 

Resources to support implementation of the operative standards can also be found on the CoC Operative Standards page and Operative Standards Toolkit page.

Standard 5.3-5.6: Operative Standards

For site visits occurring in 2024, 2025, or 2026, a site may meet CoC Standards 5.3-5.6 through an alternative compliance pathway by performing an internal audit of its compliance with Standards 5.3-5.6. If compliance is not met with any of these standards, an action plan must be developed, outlining the specific issue(s) affecting compliance and the interventions that will be implemented to achieve compliance. The results of the internal audit and the action plan must be documented in the cancer committee minutes. An action plan must be developed for each potentially non-compliant standard.

The internal audit must be conducted, and the resulting action plan must be documented in cancer committee minutes from a meeting during the year before or the year of the site visit and must be from before the Site Reviewer selects the cases that will be reviewed during the site visit. For example, if the site visit is in 2026, then the internal audit/action plan must be documented in the minutes from a 2025 or 2026 cancer committee meeting.

During the site visit, the medical record review will be conducted. If the expected compliance percentage is not met, the site reviewer will evaluate the results of the site’s internal audit and action plan as documented in the cancer committee minutes. A “deficient but resolved” rating may then be given.

A site taking advantage of this alternative compliance pathway is expected to be fully compliant with Standards 5.3-5.6 at its next site visit.

Standard 6.2: Data Submission and Standard 6.3: Data Accuracy

This standard was retired beginning in 2021 as complete data for all requested analytic cases will be submitted to the National Cancer Database (NCDB) in accordance with the requirements for use of the new Rapid Cancer Reporting System (RCRS). Data accuracy will be evaluated under Standard 6.4: Rapid Cancer Reporting System: Data Submission.

Standard 6.4: Rapid Cancer Reporting System: Data Submission

In 2021, Standard 6.4 was renamed Rapid Cancer Reporting System (RCRS) Data Submission with the following requirements:

  • All new and updated cancer cases are submitted at least once each calendar month.
  • Submit all complete analytic cases for all disease sites via RCRS as specified by the annual Call for Data.
  • RCRS data and required quality measure performance rates are reviewed by the cancer committee at least twice each calendar year and documented in the cancer committee minutes.
  • Starting January 1, 2025, the RCRS data and quality measure performance reports to the cancer committee cannot also satisfy the CLP reporting requirements for Standard 2.2: Cancer Liaison Physician.

The most recent version of Optimal Resources for Cancer Care (2020 Standards) reflects the updates to Standards 6.2, 6.3, and 6.4.

Standard 6.5: Follow-up of Patients

Starting January 1, 2022, Standard 6.5 requires a rolling 15-year requirement for long-term follow-up. Follow-up on cases older than 15 years from the most current year of completed cases will no longer be required for submission to the National Cancer Database. Updates are reflected in an updated version of Optimal Resources for Cancer Care (2020 Standards).

Standard 7.1: Accountability and Quality Improvement Measures

Due to ongoing upgrades, Standard 7.1 will not be evaluated during 2025 site visits. 2023, 2024, and 2025 cancer program activity for Standard 7.1 will also not be evaluated at future site visits.

For more information, please review the National Cancer Database Quality Measures webpage.

Standard 9.2: Commission on Cancer Special Studies

Special Pilot Study | April 2026

The Assessing the Effectiveness and Significance of the Operative Standards Program (AESOP) grant seeks to evaluate the impact of the Commission on Cancer (CoC) Operative Standards (Standards 5.3-5.8) on short-term cancer care outcomes. One of the grant aims includes a CoC Special Study, which involves oncology data specialists collecting additional data from the medical record on patients included in their cancer registry that underwent cancer surgery at their facility. The Special Study will launch in early 2027.

In preparation for the Special Study, a pilot study will be conducted in CoC accredited cancer programs beginning in April 2026. We are seeking a varied group of CoC-accredited cancer programs to participate in the pilot study in April 2026. Participating sites must abstract data for all patients selected and enter via the study submission form. Participants will need to attend webinars and provide feedback before, during, and after the pilot study. If you are interested in participating in the AESOP Pilot, please complete this interest form. Please note that VAs and PCPs are not eligible for participation in the AESOP Pilot or Special Study.

If you have questions, please reach out to AESOP@facs.org.

Standards Specifications by Category

The Specifications by Category section of Optimal Resources for Cancer Care (2020 Standards) has updated standards requirements for Integrated Network Cancer Programs (INCP), NCI-Designated Network Cancer Programs (NCIN), and Pediatric Cancer Programs (PCP). Please review the Specifications by Category section for full details.

Information for Future Site Visits

Previous Site Visit Year

Original Accreditation Site Visit Year

New Accreditation Site Visit Date/Year

Years of Activity Reviewed at Site Visit

Standards Applicable to Site Visit




2020, 2021, 2022

Optimal Resources for Cancer Care (2020 Standards)




2021, 2022, 2023

Optimal Resources for Cancer Care (2020 Standards)