The primary goal of the Mentoring for Excellence in Trauma Surgery (METS) program is to engage young surgeons and acute care surgery fellows who are early in their careers in the activities of the American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma (ACS COT) and provide training to prepare them for future leadership roles. This program is administered under the auspices of the Membership Committee.
The METS program is comprised of three segments:
The Future Trauma Leaders program will engage trauma surgeons in their first 5 years of practice and does not construe any obligation or expectation of participation in a previous segment—RAS and YFA.
The METS program provides great advantage to the COT and ACS:
The Future Trauma Leaders (FTL) program is a unique way for the American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma (ACS COT) to offer an in-depth training and mentoring opportunity to junior trauma and acute care surgeons (not more than five years out from fellowship completion)